Tuesday, June 26, 2012

A Charming Little Town

After meeting the hubby in Lake Charles the next stop for me to join him and the boat was Ocean Springs, MS.  Ocean Springs is right down the road from Biloxi so there was tons to do.  I drove in at night, but even then could see the charm that this lil town held.  A lot of the houses were your old southern type and downtown looked absolutely adorable.  I couldn't wait to go walking downtown!  (Just wish I would have taken more pictures of the houses and beaches.)

The first stop in any town is almost always the local coffee shop for internet use.  Not downtown, but internet is a priority.  The coffee shop was just like the town and full of personality.  We even had our first experience with BUBBLES!

But I must admit, I loved everything about the coffee shop....except the bubbles.  The breakfast tacos, Orange Julius, and Viennese coffee I had were wonderful.  The bubbles, not so much.  But the funny thing about bubbles is that they are cool, they're cold, and even though they're completely tasteless.....  I couldn't stop eating them.  I would tell myself,  "this is the last one, you really don't like these", and next thing I knew...  I was eating another one.  

Then finally it was time for downtown.  So many shops, so many things to buy, so many things the hubby told me I couldn't buy because of space issues on the boat.  Just doesn't seem fair sometimes.  We went through a store called Klassy Komplements that had everything that your typical Southern Girl needs - sundresses, sunglasses, wall art, scarves, and WOOZIES. Of course I had to have one, and the hubby even agreed.

Bubbles and Woozies all in one day, I'm not quite sure how I managed to be so lucky.  If you're ever in Ocean Springs you should make sure to stop by this store.  It's at 714 Washington Avenue.


Saw this cute little sign while walking and had to take a picture of it.  Another one said "A.S.A.P." up top and "As Southern As Possible" below.

One of our last stops was an old timey Pharmacy with a Soda Shop in the back.  The hubby had a root beer float and I had a kid's scoop of Butter Pecan ice cream.  Yummy!

They even had checkerboard floors!

I love my beaches and sun, but getting to venture into this small town was a real treat for me.


  1. Sounds like a great place to visit and hang out for awhile...

  2. It was the pretty please that did it for me...

  3. Also had a nice lil marina for 15 bucks a night LOL
