Sunday, July 29, 2012

Being a Redneck in Destin

After Pensacola, I wasn’t really ready for Destin.  We had been on a beach in Pensacola that was only able to be accessed if you owned a boat.  Destin was the exact opposite…..restaurants, fishing charters, the boardwalk, shops selling flavored popcorn and different flavored soda – my favorite is Peach, then they also had a Bacon flavored one that I was too big of a chicken to try. 

But I did triy Oysters for the first time!  Ok, so they weren’t raw, but they were grilled w/ garlic butter and topped with parmesan cheese.  At some point the hubby looked down and went “Wow, you’re really plowing thru these.”  At that point he decided he might should pick up his pace because there might not be any left at any minute. 

Now many of you may remember the Woozie I bought for my wine glass back in Ocean Springs, MS.  Well in Destin I found a Woozie for my wine bottle!  How cool is that?  We also found some Redneck Wine Glasses - drink glasses that looked like Mason Jars all in this cool shop called The Redneck General Store.  We visited with the owner and her husband for a while, turns out they are from a rather Redneck background (like me). 

It’s funny how Destin seemed a little too touristy until we met people aka good folk that we actually got to chat and connect with.  If you’re wanting to grab a Woozie or some Redneck Wine Glasses shoot her an email at or call at 850/797-6574.  And definitely if you’re down there stop by to look at her wares.


  1. Ahh!! I LOVE that wine bottle woozie! Too cute :)


  2. Thanks! I think I need more of them so I have an excuse to buy more wine :)

  3. Congratulations Princess Aboard! Thank you so much for taking the time to share this exciting information.

    destin fishing charters
